Hi guys! How are you? Long time, no post!
We have been extremely busy, these last couple of months, but we think you'll be happy to know it all has been for a good cause. Since we started our blog, we wanted to expand past food and add our love of gaming to the blog, as well. Unfortunately, it is very limiting to share our experiences solely through words to express our experiences within a game.
So, we started a YouTube Channel! On this blog, we are planning to primarily share small montages of us playing games with our friends. You can possibly also expect silly challenges and vlogs in the future, as well! We just felt YouTube would be an amazing way to get creative while being able to share with all of you our personalities and experiences a little better than the subtle limitations of blogging. Nevertheless, we will continue to blog as well!
As the channel is just starting up, we hope you join us, by subscribing, so you never miss when we upload a new video! You can visit our channel and subscribe here: http://bit.ly/20UhBLK
DISCLAIMER: A lot of games we play are suited for mature audiences. So if you do not like hearing mild offensive language, crude humor or watching mature themes (killing, blood, death, etc.), we ask that you just pass over that video. Our game plays are meant to share our funny experiences and achievements with our friends. BUT note, that not all of our content will be suited only for mature audiences and we will have plenty of PG friendly content as well.
Check out our introduction video below & until next time!
Adam & Jenn