We apologize for our lack of posts, lately. We've both been extremely busy, around this time of year. Adam has been working full time at work while I have been working part-time and finishing exams for the semester. Once exams finish, we will hopefully have more time to post! Thank you all for being so patient with us.
Yesterday, we had a great day together. After hanging out at my place for an hour playing on my new tablet, we headed out for the day! We decided to make yesterday a shopping day. Unfortunately the weather was unexpected (snow everywhere!) so we decided to stay closer to home for our shopping day.
We began our day at McDonalds for a late breakfast/early lunch kind of thing. Adam was starving and stuffed his face with a Big Mac combo + 2 Bacon cheese burgers. On the other hand, I wasn't that hungry and ended up ordering a Grilled Chicken Snack Wrap Happy Meal. We enjoyed our time at McDonalds, very much. During the school year, we used to hang out at my house then go to McDonalds for lunch very often. Now, since Adam and I have started working more, we haven't had much time for that, but it was nice to do it again, for once. We also enjoyed watching the people around us and thinking about our pasts and our upcoming futures together. Watching children run around the Play Place made us think about our own childhoods and how different the Play Place was when we were kids. It also made us think about what it will be like, one day, to have kids and one day take them to a McDonalds Play Place where we once spent many lunches playing in.
After lunch, we headed off to Canada Computers to look for more computer parts. Adam has been buying pieces little by little for a new computer he is building and finally bought all the pieces he needs to finally be able to put them all together and create a computer! It was so much fun running around Canada Computers, looking for different parts. I even helped him find a really cool keyboard with a hand-cooler, haha! After Adam got all his pieces, he was so hyper and giddy from excitement, it was adorable! He was just so excited to finally be able to build his computer!
When Adam bought all his computer parts, we headed back to his house to drop off all his pieces. While Adam was bringing all his pieces to his room, I hung out in the living room with his sister, Emily, just talking while waiting for Adam.
We, then headed out to Best Buy, where I bought a bluetooth keyboard and tablet stand for my new Samsung Galaxy Tab 3. I have exams in a couple days and I thought typing notes up on a tablet would be better than just printing off 40+ pages of review notes. While we were there, Adam also bought a new Steel Series gaming headset and screen protector for his phone.
From there, we thought we would call it a day. We headed back to my house and just hung out in the basement and kitchen, playing games on my tablet and eating nachos until Adam had to go to work.
I'd say we had a pretty successful tech shopping day!