Hi guys! To start off our "A BaconFriedRice Valentine's" series, we thought we'd begin with a topic which we live and breath every day: Tips to a strong and healthy relationship. In the past year together, we have gotten through without any big fights or arguments that last more than a couple hours. As well, even though we have been together for almost a year, we find that our relationship is still in a position where we are comfortable with each other, but at the same time, all giddy and in love like the "honeymoon stage". We just wanted to share some of the ways we keep our relationship alive.
DISCLAIMER: Not in anyways, are we "love experts" or have the required school education to be teaching. Instead, we are just sharing from our prior knowledge and experience. Relationships are different for everyone, but we feel that these are good tips which, if both partners are willing to cooperate, will help strengthen the relationship.
7 Tips To a Strong & Healthy Relationship
- Communication is key. As broad as it sounds, To have a healthy and strong relationship, you must be able to tell each other things. And by "things" we mean everything--how nice you noticed the other looked today; how you feel when the other did something you did not like; when you are leaving home to head to school; your deepest darkest secret; when you feel vulnerable; when you feel happier about a situation that made you feel unsettled before; when they did something that made you happy. Communication is an assortment of many different things, but is a way of keeping the bond with each other strong.When there is strong communication, where is less worry and you both are on the same page 24/7. You will begin to know little things about the other without them having to tell you anymore, because of how on point you are with one another.
- Trust Each other. If you put effort to start the relationship, you must be able to put the faith in one another. Trust is not just "trusting them not to leave you/cheat on you". Trust is the ability to tell them your every thought without being scared of judgement; trust is believing they will be there for you in your lowest of times; and trust is bringing down walls, to allow someone to love you and care for you, even though people have hurt you in the past. Trust is not easy to give or receive, but if you both put faith in each other, and give the other a reason to trust you, a strong bond will continue to grow until you soon become to merge into one--where you feel each other's happiness and feel each other's pain; and you want to be the protection and the love to be there every moment for them, despite the situation.
- Never go to bed angry at each other. This is actually a special rule we have in our relationship. Since the beginning of our relationship, we have made it a promise to each other to never go to bed angry, and to this day, neither of us have. This forces both in the relationship to talk out any issues so that at night, both will have a nice sleep knowing all is settled and in the morning, all is good again. It is a great way to ensure that "tomorrow is another day" and that all problems of the past are not escalated, but instead taken care of as soon as possible.
- Compromise when making decisions. Relationships are about team work. Most of the time, you will not see eye-to-eye, especially if you grow up differently; but part of being a team is being able to work around the differences to find some where in the middle where both partners are happy.
- Never stop dating. Don't stop courting each other, going on dates, and doing small things to make each other smile.
- Don't be scared to argue. Arguing is a part of a relationship. It shows that you both are fighting to keep each other around. If you are fighting, start fighting for the right cause. Not to win or make the other lose the argument, but in order to prove that you do in fact love your significant other. Fight for the fact that you want this person to be around for as long as you can promise. That promise should be forever, which if you think about it, you will be fighting for forever to be in the others arms. Think about that for a few seconds. Would you like to spend forever in this person arms, beside them at night, sleeping with them at night knowing they are safe, being able to start a family with them and to love them forever? That sounds like the life right there. Fight for the right cause, in order to know what the right cause is, you have to fight. Fighting isnt always bad for a relationship. It can be good if done with the right person and for the right cause.
- ALWAYS HAVE FUN! Never forget to have fun. Even if its just a simple game or a pillow fight, playing in the snow, running in the rain, or even just sitting around talking. Never forget to have fun. Having fun together is an amazing way to bond with one another while making the day a little better and strengthening the relationship between you two.