
Valentine's Day 2014


Sorry that we haven't been posting as frequently as we used to. Jenn had just finished her midterm week at school and we've both been busy getting assignments and tests in, before our Reading Week. 

As many of you may know, this year was our first valentine's day together. It is also one year since we've met each other. Unfortunately, though. Jenn had a midterm on Friday (Valentine's Day) afternoon and Adam works friday evenings; so there was no time to celebrate Valentine's Day on the actual date. Because of that, we have two days of Valentine's Day goodness. It may not seem much different than our daily lives--but that's the point: Valentine's day shouldn't be any different than a normal day when showing someone you love them. You should be showing them you love them, every day!

Day 1 - February 14, 2014 (Valentine's Day)

This morning, Adam went to pick Jenn up at to drive her to school. That morning, he surprised her with a big bouquet of Valentine's day flowers and a cute Teddy Bear. We drove to school and Jenn wrote her mid-term exam while Adam stayed at north campus. Afterwards, we both met up at north campus and drove off to get lunch. We decided on eating at Hero Burger (lol we absolutely just love this place and go weekly). After lunch, we headed back to Jenn's house. We opened gifts. 

Jenn's Gift to Adam:
Punny Candy & $25 League of Legends Riot Points

Giant Card with "50 reasons why I love you"

"Fail" Bacon Roses

 Adam's Gift to Jenn:
Inside of Adam's Card:
"Dear Jen, Hope you go nuts for this card! ;D You so Punny Baby #iloveyou4evr
Happy Valentine's Day!
Demacia ~ *draws picture of Garen from League of Legends
Love, Adam"

& $25 League of Legends Riot Points
Kinder Surprise Valentine Pack & Outside of the card

Beautiful Flower Bouquet & Teddy Bear

 After opening gifts, chilled before Adam had to leave for work.

Day 2

After Adam finished work, he went to pick up Jenn from her house. When we arrived at Adam's, we went to cuddle for a bit. Afterwards, we went to the kitchen to get food. Adam made sandwiches while get devoured the chocolate covered strawberries. We rocked out to Instalok on youtube while making food and eating. Then, we played league of legends on Adam's kitchen floor all night while continuing to listen to Instalok all night. 

Our Valentine's days together were a lot like what we usually do on the daily, but that is what makes a good relationship--you show each other you love each other and do things together that you love everyday. Not just on Valentine's day, not just on your anniversary, not just on someone's birthday. But to show someone you love them, you must show it every day

We had a pretty good First Valentine's Day together! And we have many more to come!

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Twitter: @AdamjrRyan
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Snapchat: adamjr.ryan

League of Legends: The Builder
Steam: adamjr.ryan


Main Blog: jennibearrxo
Personal Blog: ItsJensLens

: @jennibearrxo
Instagram: @jennnibearrxo_
Snapchat: jrliw6

League of Legends: jennibearrxo
Steam: HaaiiPanda

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