During the past week, we have been trying out a new app called Couple on our smartphones (We both have Samsung Galaxy SIII).
DISCLAIMER: Not in anyway were we paid by the company to do a review for this smartphone app. Instead, we thought it was a cute app and we use it daily, so we thought we'd share it for all the couples out there--considering we are a couple blog. We are not taking profit if you begin to use this app.
App Name: Couple: Relationship App for Two
App Website: Couple.me
Mobile Operating System Compatibility: iOS, Android, Web (works in a web browser, as well)
Targeted Audience: Couples (In relationships or Married)
Price: FREE
This app comes with a bunch of unique features which helps couples stay connected and organized despite busy lifestyles or long distance.
When you first download the app, you will be asked to input your significant other's email to be "paired" up with them. Once your other has accepted the request, you will be paired up together. The unique thing about this application is that only you two can see your information, conversations, lists, memories, calendar, etc. It is an intimate app between two people.
This app comes with a shared calendar where you can share important dates together. Both of you will be able to edit special dates and events in this calendar and you will be notified if your other has added, updated, or changed anything in the calendar. By default, it asks for both of your birthdays and your anniversary date. From there, you can add special dates and events.
You can video call or phone call each other with this app, with the use of wifi. We haven't used this feature yet (because we generally call with Viber or oovoo) but assumingly from what we've read in reviews, it is a lot like facetime.
Thumb Kisses
Our favourite feature on this app is Thumb Kisses. When you are far from each other, it is a cute way of physical interaction. As you press your thumb against the screen and your other does the same, you can see a thumb print move across the screen. When your thumb prints touch for one second, the screen turns red/pink and you feel a small vibrate.
"Thinking Of You"
Another cute feature which we use often is the "Thinking of You" button. When we miss each other or haven't heard from the other in a while, you can press a button that sends a "Thinking of You" message to your other. It's just a cute way of letting your other know you love and miss them
When you first download the app, you will be asked to input your significant other's email to be "paired" up with them. Once your other has accepted the request, you will be paired up together. The unique thing about this application is that only you two can see your information, conversations, lists, memories, calendar, etc. It is an intimate app between two people.
This app comes with a shared calendar where you can share important dates together. Both of you will be able to edit special dates and events in this calendar and you will be notified if your other has added, updated, or changed anything in the calendar. By default, it asks for both of your birthdays and your anniversary date. From there, you can add special dates and events.
While being able to send photos, videos, sketches and voice messages; this app compiles them all into an archive that you can look back at these memories later on. Its a nice way to "walk down memory lane" with events that you share through out your relationship to "I miss you moments".
In this app, you are able to create and edit lists together to stay organized. From groceries, bucket lists, or chores, you'll always be organized together. With this feature, as well, you review a notification if your other adds, edits or updates anything.
You can video call or phone call each other with this app, with the use of wifi. We haven't used this feature yet (because we generally call with Viber or oovoo) but assumingly from what we've read in reviews, it is a lot like facetime.
Thumb Kisses
Our favourite feature on this app is Thumb Kisses. When you are far from each other, it is a cute way of physical interaction. As you press your thumb against the screen and your other does the same, you can see a thumb print move across the screen. When your thumb prints touch for one second, the screen turns red/pink and you feel a small vibrate.
"Thinking Of You"
Another cute feature which we use often is the "Thinking of You" button. When we miss each other or haven't heard from the other in a while, you can press a button that sends a "Thinking of You" message to your other. It's just a cute way of letting your other know you love and miss them
In this app, you are able to send each other sketches. Even cooler, though, you are able to sketch together at the same time on the same canvas. You can play tic-tac-toe, draw pictures together, or write instead of typing to make it a little more personal. It is a really fun interaction to use.
Adam's Review: This app is a great app, it is wonderful if you don't have any other way of contact. This is a very easy way of contacting your significant other. The options this app has are amazing. This app allows the two parties to do many things together when they just cant make it to see each other. The thumb kisses, the duo drawing, the picture sharing, the voice recording, video recording, etc. This app is just so much fun. It does crash every now and then, but it is still a great app to use.
App Rating: 4/5
Jenn's Review: I absolutely love this app! I think it is the cutest thing! I like how it is very personal and intimate. You can even put a password on the app, so that no one can just go on your phone and look at your conversations/lists/moments/etc. Adam and I have a lot of fun with this app drawing together, thumb kisses, and just generally talking on it. Its like a personal messenger for two. And to know that it is just only for you two is kind of nice. I also like how you can "check-in" at locations. Adam always gets upset with me when I don't tell him when I leave/arrive from a place, so its kind of nice sometimes to instead of text, just "check-in". It is also nice that you can send videos and voice messages. Sometimes when we aren't able to talk on the phone or webcam, sometimes I'll send Adam voice messages, and it always tells me it makes his night. Its just a very person app and I'm glad Adam and I started using it. The only downfall is that it crashes like once a day... But other than that, I absolutely adore this app.
App Rating: 4/5